School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Hi ???? have you always worked for the same district

Asked by YOUNG MAN about 5 years ago


Hi so sometimes on the radio where the bus drivers talk I hear a driver instead of just calling to base or what ever they will say Bus 20 to base with priority. What does that mean?

Asked by Solomon about 5 years ago

I would think that means that they have an emergency situation that needs attention immediately instead of waiting forever for someone who might or might not respond.

Have you ever used Snow Chains?

Asked by Republican about 5 years ago

No, i live too far south to employ the use of snow chains.

Do you prefer a simple bus with bare minimum options or a bus with every luxury option there is where there is what feels like thousands of switches but they all are nice features?

Asked by Friend over 5 years ago

I have no real preference as long as it starts, runs, works for what i need it to do and gets kids to and from school. The extra items like AC or anything else is bonus.

Why do people get so mad when events are held on Sundays?

Asked by Meral about 5 years ago

Because many people reserve Sunday as a day of worship for God.

Hey one more why are they getting rid of buses that are older but well maintained and could have gotten more years out of them. So why did they get rid of them and replace them with some more buses that in ten years will probably be replaced?!

Asked by Kelly about 5 years ago

State and federal laws prohibit use of a bus if its over a certain age or mileage due to the safety features meant to keep kids safe being constantly updated. Thats why older buses are being pulled to be spare buses and replaced.

Hi Merry Christmas can a church bus, commercial bus, activity bus, or other non school bus legally use the eight way system. I seen a church bus use it once. I also know they usually disable them when they don’t want them to be a school bus again.

Asked by Kimberly about 5 years ago

Merry Christmas. Many small parochial schools utilize a busing system similar to public schools, but I think you are referring to the buses that have been converted to other use by churches after they are done being buses. While not illegal that I know of, the laws may vary from state to state.