Social Worker

Social Worker


Oakland, CA

Female, 26

I'm trained in clinical social work and have experiences working with children, adolescents, families, and couples. I've worked in residential treatment facilities, drop in homeless agencies, mandated services, school based supports and foster/group homes. My areas of expertise are: sexuality, trauma/emotional disorders, and family dynamics.

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148 Questions


Last Answer on December 02, 2015

Best Rated

If an unemployed person receiving food stamps lands a part time job on a trial bases and ends up losing the job after 30 days can they be penalized for not reporting the change right away? Jail, loss of benefits?

Asked by Frances over 7 years ago


For a future school social worker is it better to pursue a bachelor's in psychiatry or psychology? Is it important to be able to prescribe medication, or have a biological perspective of mental illness for social workers in this field?

Asked by Sean about 6 years ago


If I go to DSS to request a paternity test (non court order) will i still be placed on child support? & can the mother deny child support? (If found to be the father of course)

Asked by Troubledchild almost 6 years ago


I currently work as a mental health technician and am struggling with the high stress work for low pay (unskilled work pays more). I have a BS in psych. I am wondering if moving to an MSW would help, or if it would be pointless if i struggle now?

Asked by Struggling Tech over 6 years ago


Do you know what someone should do if they are raped by their landlord in Massachusetts and have no money to move? Or if there is any help available?

Asked by Anonymous over 6 years ago


how do u apply systems theory on a case with a client who is afraid to be handed over to a new case manager becoz they have developed a strong bond with the worker?. when the worker told the client before hand of the plan the client got sick

Asked by leonard5310 over 8 years ago


Review the following scenario:

Alex is a social worker for a non-profit agency that provides services for young adults, ages 18 to 21 years old. An issue of concern for the agency is frequent missed appointments. As one means of addressing this issue, the director wants to list the agency as a “check in” site on Foursquare. She believes the social game play aspect of the site is a way to engage the youthful population that is served, as well as increase visibility for the agency. As she explained to the staff, users of Foursquare, a geo-location social networking site, can “check in” while visiting a venue by accessing the app on a mobile device. Each check-in rewards users with points and or “badges.” The director hopes that incentivizing visits to the agency through this social networking site will result in greater compliance with appointments. She tells the staff that a client’s use of Foursquare would be completely voluntary as would be the decision to disclose his or her whereabouts. (Chernack, 2012)

Answer the following questions:

1. Is there an ethical dilemma? If so, what are the ethical dilemmas presented in this video? Support your answer using the NASW code of ethics or the ASWB Technology Standards (located on the optional resources page).
2. What are Alex's options?
3. What would you do in this situation?

Asked by Kayla about 6 years ago