Social Worker

Social Worker


Oakland, CA

Female, 26

I'm trained in clinical social work and have experiences working with children, adolescents, families, and couples. I've worked in residential treatment facilities, drop in homeless agencies, mandated services, school based supports and foster/group homes. My areas of expertise are: sexuality, trauma/emotional disorders, and family dynamics.

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148 Questions


Last Answer on December 02, 2015

Best Rated

The father of my kids stole the kids away from my mom. So I called the police and was revered to the social services.was then given a letter to give him but he didn't comply.what steps can I now take

Asked by Sheila ntuli about 6 years ago


The courts ordered child therapy and communication through an app. Over the summer child stated she didnt want to live anymore and felt replaced by both parents. Mother took child out of therapy, child is not speaking and wont respond to emails????

Asked by Becky over 6 years ago


Hi. I live in Ohio and my baby cousin is being taken and put into foster care but I’m 100% able to take her into my care. I’m only 18, and I’m not sure if that will be a problem and if you have to be 21.

Asked by sara about 5 years ago


I am a 17 year old senior, and I want the social work field to be my line of work. I am a bit worried about finding the perfect fit for me. The social work field is bigger than I thought it was. I am also rather shy, and I know that can be a problem.

Asked by Bluberry Kennedy about 4 years ago


I just wanna find the perfect fit for me. I need all the help I can get. Being shy and wanting to be a social worker seems impossible. What do I do?

Asked by Bluberry Kennedy about 4 years ago


I'm 56 yrs old suffering from severe depression. I live with my daughter who is very mean spiteful and takes advantage of me. I need help to get out of this situation. I'm on a fixed income so it's very hard to get an apartment. Can you help me pleas

Asked by Roxanne over 6 years ago


My daughter refuses to come home she don't like rules, it's been 4 weeks and 6 days now she is 15 years old and a social worker has seen her a few times and I've rang them everyday and get told ill get call back but still nothing can yous do that?

Asked by Kel80 about 5 years ago