


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

Best Rated

During a recent training fire I was told by a training officer to back the nozzle out when I exit the structure. I asked if this was something new we were trying and I was told no that it has been done this way forever. Thoughts??

Asked by Firefighter King about 6 years ago

Visual fire equals hose line in hand. Common sense

What’s the scariest moment you have had?

Asked by Don almost 5 years ago

Extinguishing a trash truck fire when the tire unexpectantly exploded 15 ft away

Hi I have some websties you might want to check out. These websites are sites that you can rant on, tell stories on
confess on, etc. It is really endless and you don't have to sign up (although you can) no charitor limit
and you just title it, put it into a catigory, then put some sort of name and it can be anything, then you put
in the capta code to make sure your human and done

Asked by ASDFASDF almost 5 years ago

What’s your IQ

Asked by Big Jim about 5 years ago

Never been tested. But high enough to serve the public lol.

Years ago my brother said he was flicking matches and my sisters blouse caught fire. Can this happen or did he hold the match to her blouse

Asked by Lucy williams over 5 years ago

Probably did and it does especially with elderly and cooking over a stove.

Hey there!
I know that the firemans carry is not really used anymore due to the person having more smoke exposure. However, in an emergency, is it safe to carry a pregnant woman using the fireman's carry? is it possible?

Asked by Anna almost 6 years ago

Life before limb, whatever it takes to get them out

Are Fire TV shows like Chicago FD really like the real world Firefighting?

Asked by 777 almost 5 years ago

Not really to be honest