Flight Attendant

Flight Attendant


Toronto, ON

Female, 28

Space Waitress, Trolley Dolly, Stewardess...everyone has their own term for us. We are the baby-sitters, life-savers, servers, cleaners and all-around problem solvers for any and every in-flight issue. Sometimes we get a bad rep for being apathetic and miserable despite having what looks like a glamorous job, so here's a peek into the gritty details beneath the shiny surface to explain why the job - though incredible in lots of ways - is more than just snappy uniforms and matching luggage.

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161 Questions


Last Answer on August 26, 2013

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I'm applying for a flight attendant position for AA. So far so good, I just received a phone call to complete a video interview. I'm concerned about my hair. Very thin, clean dreadlocks... is it going to be an issue?

Asked by Phil over 11 years ago

Hey, sorry for the late response!  I did some digging on this and I think it comes down to the fine line of dreadlocks vs braids.  According to the dresscode at my workplace, dreadlocks are 100% not allowed, however I've worked with guys before who have had long hair in thin, tidy braids who just pulled it back for service.  If you haven't already had your interview I would suggest pulling the dreadlocks away from your face with a simple elastic that matches your hair colour, to show that they can be professional and presentable.  Perhaps AA isn't as strict - there is definitely a spectrum out there - so I would keep the dreads until you're told otherwise.  I hope it's ok!

What are your feelings regarding the lifestyle changes the flight attendant career brings

Asked by tiffany almost 12 years ago

If you are the type of person that enjoys routine and structure, becoming a flight attendant will be extremely challenging.  There are no guarantees when it comes to an FA's schedule, and while it affords a lot of flexibility, it can also drive people crazy.  You will get more time off than at an office job, but you will work some weekends and holidays.  There is a lot of unpredictability - you may be scheduled a 24 hour layover in NYC and buy tickets to a show, only to have bad weather cancel your flight and leave you stranded in Toronto.  It's beneficial to have a laid-back attitude towards your schedule, and to realize that sometimes it will work with you, and other times against you.

Flying a lot has also made me really identify with the phrase, "there's no place like home!"  Being on the road can get tiresome, and when I do finish work and get back to my apartment, I'm usually physically and emotionally pooped (being around people all day can really suck the energy out of me!) Not every FA feels that way of course, but I have noticed an increase in my desire to just stay in on my night's off.  Boring I know.  I do aim to go on a little trip each month though, even just to visit familiy and friends, so that I take advantage of the flight benefits that had me interested in the job in the first place.  Getting on a plane on my day off can be the last thing in the world I feel like doing, but it's always worth it!

I feel really lucky to have the job that I do, I have so much more free time as a result, and I have no problem working an early morning one day and an evening flight the next.  A LOT of FAs have other jobs on the side, or go to school, or volunteer.  Many raise kids, care for their parents, and have pets.  Becoming a flight attendant doesn't mean you can't make outside commitments, you just have to be flexible and embrace the irregularity of the work schedule!

Are there any major international US airlines that hire foreign crew? If so, can they work if they have crew visas, providing they catch another flight out of the US and return to your home country and possible commute? Also do international charters

Asked by Donny over 11 years ago

Yes!  To work for an American airline or charter, you will need a valid passport from whatever country you hail from, and you will have to apply for a work permit or visa.  You can get lots of information about obtaining a visa at the US government website:


Under some visas, you are permitted to live in the US for as long as you work for the company who has applied on your behalf.  Otherwise, you can commute from an outside country.  I recently worked with a woman who commuted to work in Canada from Indonesia.  Definitely not a commute I would want to do but where there's a will there's a way!

Given Scene: You were the flight attendant, after the instruction of turning all cell phones off, you have seen a man using his phone, how would you tell him to turn off his phone.

Asked by jana almost 12 years ago

Haha, oh man I have to do this alllll the time and I hate it!  I used to get annoyed that people refuse to put their phones down because we're all so addicted to them but it happens too often to lose my cool over it. 

So I say, "Sir, just make sure you have your phone off and stowed for take-off".  I emphasize "stowed" because I'm so tired of arguing with people about Airplane Mode and whether or not it's ok (it is during the flight but for take-off and landing your electronics do need to be OFF), and that way the guest will usually just tuck it in the seat pocket or in their jacket so I don't have to see it.  If people keep jabbering into their phone or texting I have no problem saying, "you're now holding up a hundred other people because we can't close the door until you put that away", and then smile and say "thank you!" as sweet as pie because sometimes it's fun to be nice when people are crabby!

Starting out as an FA, are you allowed to take long periods of time off from work? Say maybe 2 or 3 weeks?

Asked by Savannah over 11 years ago

Sure!  You have a few options:

- use some vacation days.  At my airline vacation blocks are usually requested and assigned a year in advance, so people hired throughout the year are forced to choose from whichever time slots are leftover.  It may not be what you were hoping for, but you can also trade with someone else who may suddenly need the vacation block that you have.

- request those days off in your monthly bid.  It's not unusual for me to have 5 days off in a row even if I haven't asked for it because FAs get about 13-16 days off each month.  A lot of people I work with who commute from other countries (yes it happens - I think they're crazy but they make it work!) will request all their days off at the end of one month, and at the beginning of the next month.  This creates a 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off schedule that would make me sick but totally works for some!

- drop or trade shifts over the weeks that you are interested in getting off, and make up the time either the prior month, or the month after.  Dropping too many shifts and never making up the time might get you noticed, but doing it here and there is no big deal.

Airlines that create schedules based on seniority make trading shifts and getting days off a bit harder, but getting two weeks off should not be impossible.

How do you handle people using their camcorders in flight; from push-back, taxi, take off approach and landing? I see several videos like that posted on You Tube and many of them are taken from that point.

Asked by Donny over 11 years ago

Ok, you're forcing me to admit that I bend the rules once in a while.  I really have no problem with people taking photos or videos during take-off and landing because it's the most exciting part of the entire flight.  Technically though, anything that can connect to the internet should be turned off completely for that portion of the flight (since there have been incidents of electronics interfering with aircraft systems), and most people nowadays use smartphones to take photos, and even cameras have wi-fi suddenly, so it's not really allowed.  Please don't tell on me.

I have a far lower tolerance for people who happen to film or take a photo of me! Not that I'm anything special, but I have clever co-workers who make jokes on the PA during the safety demonstration (which I'll be acting out) and on occasion they get filmed and then posted on YouTube. *shudder*  Fortunately I haven't gained online notoriety as "that embarrassed blonde flight attendant" yet, but I have seen a video on YouTube starring two of my friends doing the safety demo.  Fortunately they both love it! 

How do you decide how much to pack when traveling (as far as clothes, toiletries, etc.)? And what are some necessities? Also, do FA's only take carry-ons or do they check luggage also?

Asked by GGM over 11 years ago

Let me tell you, I still get it wrong sometimes.  Just last month I was with a crew on what was originally a 2-day pairing, but our crew scheduling department was in a bind and needed a crew to operate down to Barbados and spend 2 days there before working the flight home.  Well twist my arm, I guess I'll get paid to go suntan on the beach!  Anyway, all of us only had one outfit with us (thankfully I had my bikini, never leave home without it!) and by the end of the four days we were all so sick of looking at each other and our recycled outfits that I still haven't taken that dress out of the closet since I got home.  

The point is, you never know where you might end up during a last minute schedule change.  In the summer it's not too problematic, a pair of flip flops, some shorts and a T and sunglasses will pretty much be appropriate no matter where you end up.  In the winter though, you just learn to pack more or suffer the consequences.  I bought a pair of ankle boots that can easily transition from city streets to snowy sidewalks, and I have been known to bring a larger suitcase just so I could have my long, down winter coat with me in New Brunswick (and was the envy of all my shivering crewmates in their work coat)!

Thankfully crew are, for the most part, exempt from the liquids and gels ban that so many governments have adopted so we can freely transport our makeup, and lotions and potions (and booze!) wherever we please.  We don't have to check our luggage either, although I have seen crews from other airlines with longer pairings check additional suitcases.  FAs at my airline typically bring three bags - a lunch kit (like a mini cooler bag), a suitcase, and a "flight bag", which can carry laptops and our manual.  

Here are my neccessities:

swimsuit (such a pain to buy if you forget it and then end up spending the night in Cancun unexpectedly!)

pyjamas (I used to sleep in the buff but how am I gonna feel if the hotel fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night?  Huddling in the nude with my co-workers and a hundred other strangers?  No thanks.)

make-up (I'm not high-maintenance but c'mon)

phone + charger

at least one comfy change of clothes, ie: yoga pants and a long-sleeved T or jeans and a sweater so that at the very least I can join the crew for dinner in the hotel restaurant

flip flops and, in the summer, a sundress

If you forget some of the essentials you can usually ask the front desk for things like a charger or toothpaste.  I've even borrowed clothes from another FA who I had met about 2 hours earlier.  It's trial and error, but usually I get it right!