Tattoo Artist

Tattoo Artist

Tatted Mom

Tucson, AZ

Female, 32

I'm a tattoo artist who underwent a standard apprenticeship under a certified tattoo artist. I am an artist first, tattooer second, which means I put creativity and art into my tattoos, not just the 'you pick it, we stick it' type of tattooer. Apprenticeships for tattooing vary by state, according to the laws. I'm also a trained body piercer, as well. Any questions about the job or apprenticing, I'd be happy to help!

PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT price tattoos. Seek a shop for that.

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422 Questions


Last Answer on May 23, 2014

Best Rated

can a black tattoo really be COVERED or does the artist just try to shade over and around it.

Asked by CK about 10 years ago


I decided to get my first (and probably last) tattoo. It's a simple, small design (not tiny, just small) and I'm looking for a visible area (like my wrist) that won't fade too soon or have trouble healing.

Asked by Vanessa over 10 years ago


I was offered an apprenticeship for tattooing but the guy I'm under doesn't seem to want to train me though I want to learn I feel like I should just leave him alone and drop it or ask him about it. He also try's to get a second apprentice under him

Asked by Rose Loviatar over 10 years ago


if i have a biomechanical on my side, will it make sense if i got a maori tribal tattoo as a sleev?

Asked by tatted over 10 years ago


I got a tattoo back in may, it was gorgeous right from the get go. I did everything to the letter the artist told me, now (oct) it's started to look really dry and blotchy. I moisturize, but my portrait looks like a burn victim. What's with that?

Asked by Ashco over 10 years ago


Me and my daughter just got tattoo four days ago.
Of like mother like daughter
In come fine out the tattoo artist misspell daughter, he spell daugther my question is can itget repaired.

Asked by Mad almost 11 years ago


Can I sue someone for useing my drawing as a tattoo to get from another artist if I never gave my permission since the drawing is my property

Asked by froggy over 10 years ago