I'm a tattoo artist who underwent a standard apprenticeship under a certified tattoo artist. I am an artist first, tattooer second, which means I put creativity and art into my tattoos, not just the 'you pick it, we stick it' type of tattooer. Apprenticeships for tattooing vary by state, according to the laws. I'm also a trained body piercer, as well. Any questions about the job or apprenticing, I'd be happy to help!
PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT price tattoos. Seek a shop for that.
Cover it up. There's no erasing in tattooing.
Whatever you'd like. I can price tattoos that I'm going to do, but I have no idea what to price art. It's completely up to the person doing the art and the person buying the art.
That's completely normal, especially when you get a part of your body tattooed that you use on a daily basis- upper arms, calfs, stomach areas- all of these are sensitive, and when you get large areas covered in one session, it will cause that area to be sore for a while.
You tell the shop manager that the artist screwed up. This is on your body forever. You won't know the tattoo artist forever, and if it goes unmentioned, he may screw up again in the future.
Birthday Party Clown
SWAT Team Commander (Retired)
Hollywood Executive Assistant
Yes. Black ink can go over red ink.
Some tattoo artists are fine with that, and other's aren't. It depends on the drawing, too. Some people want a drawing done just the way it is, but the drawing isn't tattooable. Drawings for tattoos are way different than most drawings. So, talk to your artist and see what they say.
I don't price tattoos. Head to a shop and ask the artist you'd like to have do your tattoo.
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