

Dr. Chris Bern

21 Years Experience

Cartersville, GA

Male, 49

I have been a practicing veterinarian since 1997, but have been in and around the profession since 1984. I am a general practitioner and see most pet species, from dogs and cats to parrots and snakes. In my job I do everything from routine vaccinations to complex surgeries and difficult medical cases. Becoming a vet takes hard work and dedication but can be very rewarding.

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116 Questions


Last Answer on January 14, 2019

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As a junior in high school, how should I prepare to study veterinary medicine? What did you do in high school and college to become a veterinarian?

Asked by Carol Hunter about 10 years ago

At this point in your schooling, concentrate on Biology, Chemistry, and Math. I hate to break it to your counselors, but the classes you take in high school have no real bearing on whether or not you get into vet school or are successful once you do. When considering colleges, get information from a vet school you may eventually apply to and find out the course requirements. Not every college has a "pre vet" program, and not every college offers the classes required for entry in vet school. Honestly, you don't even need a "pre vet" program. The vet schools look at your overall grades as the first screening process, and then whether or not you have the required courses in college and what your grades are in them. I also hate to break it to your high school and college counselors, but your college major doesn't matter! It only matters whether or not you have the specific classes.

I had a BS in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. But I've known veterinary students who had English majors, Computers, human nursing, Teaching, careers in publishing, and just about everything else. Life experience, good grades, and the appropriate classes are the keys.

But the biggest help would be to actually work for a vet. First, that lets you get behind the scenes on a regular basis and see if it's something you want to do for the rest of your life. Believe me, it's hard work for little pay and you deal with disgusting things every day. Vet schools will be looking for that experience to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into.

I don't typically plug my blog, but in this case it would help you, Carol., and search for "student questions". I've answered in detail many times over the years and you can find lots of information there.

Do you feel Greenies are a safe treat to give your dog today.

Asked by Bob over 10 years ago

Absolutely, and I recommend them highly.  They are very safe and are one of the best ways to prevent dental tartar.  Several years ago Greenies reformulated their treats to make them dissolveable in simple water.  Wanting to test this out, I took a sample from them at a veterinary conference, took it back to my hotel room, and put it in a glass of water overnight.  The next morning I could easily pull it apart with my fingers.  However, you should always watch your dog any time they are chewing on something.  No matter what it is, if a dog swallows a large piece it could result in a dangerous gastrointestinal obstruction.

how old were you when you decided to become a veterinarian?

Asked by potter41 over 9 years ago

I was 9 years old! And just about everything I did after that was to get into and through veterinary school. Most people who become vets starting having an interest when they were young, though I know many people who started as a secondary career.

I have a dog of 8 months old,male (poodle breed), he has been with us for about 6 months Weight-6.5kg ,he was normal until now ,very playful . But recently he ate Soap paper ,which lead to vomiting so we took him to a doctor ,where he was treated and

Asked by sagar over 10 years ago

Sorry that your question didn't go all of the way through. Hopefully your dog is doing better now. I'm not sure what the original question was supposed to be, but I would recommend not using the Internet for any urgent medical advice. As you can see by my response time on this question, you're not going to typically get an immediate reply. It is ALWAYS better to contact your vet directly than to go online. And if you have doubts about the medical care at your vet, seek a second opinion in person. I've had plenty of clients come to me for second opinions, and I always welcome that.

Dear Chris, i would like to ask if a doggie dental could wait for 1 month while i renew my dog's 3 year rabies booster - needed for travel in late april or may... dental is needed because of loose tooth and i want to do the best for my boy. thank you

Asked by archie.stjohn almost 9 years ago

Talk to your local vet about this. If a tooth is loose because of a bad infection this should probably take priority. However, you'd need a vet to actually look at your dog to determine what is necessary to be done first.

what advice would you offer someone considering to have a career as a veterinarian

Asked by emily over 9 years ago

Spend time working in a veterinary clinic. It's a lot different than what many people think. It's a lot of hard work, you don't get paid much, you literally risk injury every day, and you deal with many gross things. You simply don't know if you can handle all of that until you spend some time working side-by-side with vets.

How can you tell if a pet is suffering?

Asked by Maggie7 about 10 years ago

Unfortunately, that's a rather difficult question with no simple answer. "Suffering" is a bit subjective. We all know when a pet is really painful or sick, and we all know when they're happy and feeling well. Between those extremes is a lot of gray area. In general we look for pain, lethargy, difficulty moving, loss of appetite, and similar things. If you're concerned about a specific pet I would have him/her examined by a vet in person and talk to them about your concerns.