Nightclub Promoter

Nightclub Promoter


Hollywood, CA

Male, 32

I promoted at several of Hollywood’s hottest clubs during a period of unemployment, mainly to see what all of the fuss was about. While it was fun and definitely had its perks, it also confirmed quite a few of the suspicions and stereotypes I’d previously held about how the industry works.

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Last Answer on March 11, 2016

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Is bottle service worth the money?

Asked by linebreaker about 13 years ago

Bottle service is awesome ... as long as someone else is paying for it. It's a pretty expensive way to get self-esteem. But if you have a couple of friends who drink and run up bar tabs then maybe the premium of bottle service isn't that bad as long as you keep it to one bottle. But once that runs out, so will any chicks at your table.

How much can a club promoter make in a year?

Asked by Orange about 13 years ago

It varies quite a bit but I'd say a decent mid-level promoter makes about $25K per year. Most of them have other things they do on the side - usually acting or personal training. Sometimes dealing drugs. Many of the lower level promoters are involved in scam or almost scam industries like payday loans, pre-paid legal services, mortgage loan modifications, multi-level marketing, etc because they aren't real 9-5 jobs and allow the flexibility to go out during the week. Sketched out yet? Mid to high level promoters can make from 60-100k. The top of the food chain can make 150k-200k+ believe it or not. All for pouring liquor down chicks throats.

Is there a hierarchy for club promoters?

Asked by boogieboard about 13 years ago

There is definitely a hierarchy. At the top are the promoters that deal directly with club. They are a known brand and bring the "right" people (read: white people, hot girls, Hollywood hipsters, low-level celebs). The promoting team will be small and often consist of trust-fund kids. At the bottom are ethnic promoters with ethnic crowds. They are like cattle herders, just trying to bring the most people through the door who are willing to pay cover. Being a promoter is very much a chicken-and-egg type of thing because to get hired by good venues you need a good crowd and to get a good crowd you need to be already promoting good venues. There are really two ways a promoter can move up the hierarchy. One is to start at the bottom working for a club that is looking for more business. They'll be actively looking for more promoters and might give you chance. Slowly you build your crowd by promoting crappy places well until you have a good enough following to get a slightly less crappy place and that will attract slightly less crappy people to your "list" (which is really just numbers in your phone that you text). This positive feedback loop continues until hopefully you cease to have crappy people and actually have a good crowd. By far the easier way to do it is to find a promoter who is already doing good venues and become his sub-promoter. You'll be listed on the clipboard as one of the promoter's "subs" and he will get credited for the people you bring (but you'll have your own tally to delineate between your people and his). Usually you'll have some minimum number of skanks - I mean people - that you'll have to bring each night to keep being his sub. Eventually if you bring enough people you might become his promoter partner. Ideally the promoter you work for is a friend so he knows and trusts that you'll bring good people (i.e. hot girls) and doesn't do things like steal your people or not pay you for people you bring in. If he doesn't know you then you'll have to convince him that you have hot girls you can bring out.

Assuming I'm a guy on a modest budget and can't afford bottle service, what can I do to increase my chances of getting into a hot club?

Asked by Davey about 13 years ago

Plan ahead. Know how hot (or not) the venue is. Get there early, brings girls if you can. Dress appropriately. Be nice to the bouncer but not too nice. Don't throw a tantrum; it looks retarded. Be ready to grease. Sneak in a flask so your money is spent getting in and not on overpriced drinks.

You mentioned Mexicans and Persians in an earlier post -- what other ethnicities do club owners dislike?

Asked by Hiram about 13 years ago

Let me say first say that I don't have a problem with anyone. Every ethnicity is welcome at my house. Clubs, however, are more racist than old Southerners. In the words of Chris Rock, "If it's all white, it's alright." Clubs would prefer to not have too much of any ethnicity other than white, lest their club become known as "the Asian club, etc" The sterotype for Persians, and again I am pointing out the sterotype not my personal opinion, is that they are rude and obnoxious and scare off the women by being too aggressive and reacting angrily when rejected. Perhaps it's endemic to LA but that's what it is. Clubs with heavily Hispanic or African- American clientle are thought to be prone to violence.

What's the most original stunt you've seen someone attempt when trying to get into your club?

Asked by prkchp about 13 years ago

If there's one thing people standing on the other side of the velvet rope aren't, it's original. The same things are said: "But my friends are in there" (and they ditched you? Shitty friends) "But I'm on the list" (weird, I don't see Dickhead listed here) "It's my friend's birthday" (there's always Facebook) "I know the owner" (not well enough, apparently) The best story is my own. Before promoting I once hired a high-end escort to walk me in. I didn't go online and call her up. She just happened to be at the hotel bar we were pre-partying in. I paid her $50 to walk in with me to the nearby club. I'm sure it was the easiest money she made that night.

To get people to come to your promoted club events, did you just email blast everyone you know or post on Facebook, or were there other, less obvious ways to bring people in?

Asked by ChiefAli about 13 years ago

Take a giant sherpard's crook and go to the nearest fashion school. Round 'em up and hand them bottles. No actually mass texting is the promoters tool. You collect phone numbers by any means necessary, group them by how attractive they are (seriously) and text blast away. Facebook and email is also used although the former has a tendancy to get lost in the mix and the latter is primarily effective for holidays (e.g. Halloween, New Year's Eve).

Ever see (or hear about) a girl do something "compromising" for a bouncer or promoter to get into their club?

Asked by Scrilla1 about 13 years ago

Ha! This made me laugh. Um, yes this one time, every weekend, at every club, ever. I've rarely heard of quid pro quo situations. Girls are getting into the club anyway if they are cute and not if they aren't. They certainly don't need to do anything "compromising" but do they anyway. Frequently. Short of being famous or paying for it, being a promoter is the easiest way to get laid ever. It's obscenely easy, like you'd have to actively try not to have sex like some sort of monk. I've never been a bouncer but I've seen women throwing themselves at them so i know it's same story. Lots of General Manager's offices (in the club) have a mattress or a couch and you can imagine what those are for. My promoting partner would hook up with 2-4 new girls a month without ever going on what normal people would classify as a date. Seriously, fish in a barrel.

Has anyone ever taken a swing at you (or the bouncer, or whoever was controlling the door) when they were unable to get into the club?

Asked by onefiftyone about 13 years ago

I've personally never seen it because I worked mostly classy places. But there have definitely been incidents particularly as the clubs start attracting the less-optimal crowd. I can remember specifically a bouncer being shot and killed at a club called Vanguard a couple years ago

What prompted you to get involved in club promotion? Money? Power? Chicks? All of the above?

Asked by ishtar about 13 years ago

I went out a lot and wanted to be on the other side of the rope. I was unemployed at the time so it seemed like a natural fit. And yes, also I wanted to have sex with hot club girls.

Who are considered to be the 1-2 "Hall of Fame" club promoters of all time?

Asked by Sammie about 13 years ago

This might come as a surprise to you but club people aren't big on history, myself included. Although I like the idea of a club promoter Hall of Fame. Like it would have framed Ed Hardy shirts from 2008 and a hall of coke vials used by the rich and almost famous. Maybe an artist's rendition of the first bathroom stall sex circa 1961. I'm going to look into this. If you are looking for club history, the movie 24 Hour Party People is a pretty good one.

How do you decide who gets into your nightclub?

Asked by stilz about 13 years ago

None of this will come as a surprise to anyone who has gone out in Hollywood more than once. Whatever you think of it as an outsider, it's much worse as an insider. The club's General Manager will explicitly tell promoters that there were too many Mexicans or Persians or fat chicks. Most places in LA don't even bother with the illusion of a line anymore. It's just a mass of people at the front and the door girl/guy or bouncer hand picks who comes in. Hot girls have first priority obviously. There is a preference for white and especially blonde. I've seen them wave a group of girls in and then when they get to the fat one in the group, pull the rope in front of her. Being dressed well helps for both guys and girls. They’re loathe to let guys in because they know the frustration of not getting in leads to guys springing for bottle service and that's how the club makes its money. Really good-looking guys who dress like Hollywood hipsters can get in without girls but everyone else better grease, buy bottles, or know a promoter really well (like you saved his life in 'Nam). Age is a much bigger impediment for women than it is for men. Oh and one last thing.... there is no such thing as a list. The promoter didn't type up 4,000 names to hand to the door girl. It's just an excuse to not let you in (ditto for "private party" or "we're at capacity.")

What's the typical lifespan of a nightclub?

Asked by slimshady99 about 13 years ago

It ranges from less than a year to as much as four years, typically. The average is probably two. Les Deux in Hollywood lasted five years which is the longest I've ever heard of. Much depends on the size of the place. The bigger the place, the more people they have to fill it with and the less discerning they can be. This accelerates a club's demise. It's not a coincidence that the places that had staying power, like Hyde, were small.

What, in your opinion, is the most underrated city in terms of clubbing? We obviously hear about LA/Vegas/NY all the time -- any less obvious places that would surprise most people?

Asked by Tim about 13 years ago

Everyone and their mother tells me about how great Austin, TX is. It's like The Wire of cities. I've never been so I can't say. Ditto for Reykjavik, Iceland. I've been to some great clubs overseas in places like Mykonos, Paris, and Rio. I think Toronto is pretty good too. As far as U.S. cities, I think the LA/NY/Miami/Vegas quartet has the well deserved reputation of the good megaclubs. But it depends on what you're looking for. I have a friend who swears that Latvia is the place to be. And I just returned from Thailand which was a little disappointing nightlife-wise.

Let's say I'm a guy who shows up on a Friday night with a buddy ... and no girls. How much would it cost to grease my way in?

Asked by HenryR about 13 years ago

It varies greatly by how tough the venue is and what you look like. I've greased as little as $10 and as much as $50 (that's per person). But I dress well when I go out and don't bring any Middle-Eastern friends. If you dress poorly or of an *ahem* undesirable ethnicity then it'll be more or less impossible. The bouncer is usually calculating how much crap he's going to get if he lets you in. Alternatively you can grease the promoter to walk you in with his group of girls. He'll be doing the same mental calculation as the bouncer. I've even grabbed girls as they were walking up to the venue and offered to buy them drinks once inside. They aren't as good because of their tendency to ditch guys once the bouncer looks at them sideways.

Starting from scratch, how did you first get a club to pay you to promote (and give you a table to host), and how did you start building a list of girls to bring out at night?

Asked by nyc over 12 years ago

There's 2 ways to get a club to hire you. One is to find a club that is just looking to get bodies through the door, without regard for too much quality. They'll give you a shot for a week or 2 and if you perform, they'll keep you. The 2nd, and by far easier way, is to find a promoter doing a good club and offer to "sub" for him (meaning become a sub-promoter). Now you work for him and the girls you bring count on his tally. Eventually he'll start paying you and if you do really well, you can go out on your own. It's kind of like being a drug dealer. You start out as Bodie and end up as Avon Barksdale (if you're really lucky / ruthless) In either scenario, you better be bringing girls or your career will be short. How to get them? By hook or by crook. Facebook is the preferred method now a'days but college friends, girls and the mall, random party girls you meet elsewhere. It's all fair but remember that the inventory of attractive girls who club is finite so promoting is a zero sum game. You are taking girls from other promoters to bring to your clubs. So run those other promoters off the corner!

Do promoters or club owners ever get sued for racial discrimination?

Asked by jeez louize about 13 years ago

Yes although never successfully. As you can imagine, it's a hard thing to prove. More common is sexual discrimination, when men sue over getting charged when women aren't. This has mixed results. The practice of charging cover charge to men and not women has been successfully opposed and although the practice is still common, clubs have had to pony up and pay disgruntled guys. Courts however have upheld "Ladies Night" where girls get to take advantage of drink specials that the boys don't.

Have you seen anything particularly innovative at newer clubs, or is it the same loud music / overpriced drinks / greasy hair / mini-skirt set-up everywhere?

Asked by heartkill about 13 years ago

The vibes differ a little but it's all pretty much the same. Bottle service is a relatively new phenomenon and unfortunately looks to be here to stay. The smaller, speakeasy type of place has grown in popularity but without significant bottle service money it's a tough business model. Douchebags and dumb girls aren't going anywhere as far as I can tell. And most of all, reading these answers back to myself makes me kind of ashamed how much I know about it. Pour me a drink.

How is promoter compensation calculated? I have heard varying answers from the number of people brought in, a percentage of bottle sales, and even a percentage of bar sales.

Asked by kipnir over 12 years ago

All are true. The lower-tiered clubs that depend on everyone paying cover will usually pay their promoters based on heads coming thru the door. Most promoters get a share of the bottle sales they bring in (usually 20%). And percentage of bar sales is pretty common, much more so in smaller clubs. Like everything in life, just depends on how much leverage and bargaining power the promoter has. But let's be honest, the real promoter compensation is lips, hips and fingertips.

Hi! I have an interview tomorrow to be a VIP host/ promoter in a couple of clubs in Hollywood , do you know how much is the rate or paid per person in los Angeles area? Or what is the estimate payment per person and bottle service?

Asked by lhca1234 over 11 years ago

Minimum wage plus commissions on bottles for a VIP host. Hope it went well.

If a new club is trying to make a name for itself, will they ever go as far as actually *hiring* hot girls to hang out there (like the seat-fillers at the Oscars)?

Asked by SouljahBoi about 13 years ago

Definitely. Although it's usually the promoters that hire the girls, and the clubs just hire the promoters. I've seen clubs / parties do the hiring, usually for one-off parties or day time events.

What's the craziest thing you've ever "accepted" in exchange for entry?

Asked by YMCA almost 13 years ago

A drink from a girl... in all my time as a promoter it was the first and last time a girl has ever paid for anything.

Im 16 & female (located in the UK), i want to be a nightclub promoter or a podium dancer part time when im 18. I love dancing, im lively, fun and fairly confident... im a very social person when im in that enviroment. How old do you have to be?

Asked by Sophie almost 12 years ago

Stay in school

Why aren't there more female club promoters? Seems like they'd be better at getting guys to buy bottle service and bringing in other females ...

Asked by 21redrum about 12 years ago

Au contraire, mon frère If there's one thing 22-year old club going girls DON'T want it's female competition. They don't even like the "friends" they came with, much less some chick with a clipboard with more social status than them. No matter what they say, women go to clubs (at least in the US) not to hang out with their friends or even to meet a guy. They go to play a social status game. And female promoters throw a wrench in that. And they certainly don't help bring guys in. The guys are dumb but the gel hasn't seeped deep enough into their cerebrums to make them think that their best shot is with a female promoter. That's what bottle girls are for. And why would the girl want to do it? This isn't Michelle Obama deciding between the Peace Corps and slanging Greg Goose at 1500% markups. Girls in nightlife can barely make it through their 6 unit course load at the Fashion Institute. They sure as hell aren't signing up for crowd herding while angry dudes at the rope call them the C-word and their so-called friends text them dozens of times because the bouncer is being a dick just because her chubby friend is wearing jeggings. Well even if the pay sucks and it's crazy stressful, at least she'll get laid a lot. No wait, she doesn't care about that.

What's the craziest hook-up situation promoting got you into? 3 girls at once?

Asked by MrMr almost 13 years ago

I wasn't in it long enough for a foursome. I've had some fun but not like a lot of longer-time promoters I knew who could really tell you some stories.

Can you give a time schedule on what your average day is like

Asked by Anthony almost 12 years ago

10am - introduce myself to the girl sleeping next to me Ha, I'm half joking Keep in mind, I'm currently retired from the nightlife business. My button-up shirt is matted and hanging from the rafters and my scarfs and rings are gathering dust in my closet. When you first start out you are just hustling. You spend all day on facebook trying to engage girls and get them out, you shop for clothes in your spare time so you can look cool and you think about your clever text that you are going to send. As you build a client base and more of a reputation, you spend more time hanging out during the day with your girls to keep those relationships strong (and most of them don't work regular jobs either so they are free and bored during the week) and going to meetings with the club management. Mostly though you have more free time... lots of promoters are actors or move into DJing eventually. Many are big video gamers. Another thing that changes over time is how late you sleep. The weekends spent up until closing time morph into late night eating and the occasional afterparty. Before you know it you are regularly pounding Red Bulls, going to sleep at 5am and waking up a 1pm. It's now time to quit promoting.

Are "ladies nights" effective? Are clubs doing them less frequently now that there have been a bunch of discrimination lawsuits?

Asked by AZmiguel about 12 years ago

Ladies nights are very effective.....for getting chubby chicks HAMMERED. In a town like LA that caters to high end clubs rather than your neighborhood wet t-shirt contest bar/pub, discounted or free drinks for women is pretty pointless - they aren't paying for drinks anyway.

I live in LA, work full time in the medical field, and looking to break up the Monotony of my job for a bit. I know/party with some hosts at Bootsy, Emerson, AV, etc. Would it be inappropriate to ask to start working with them?

Asked by Marc over 11 years ago

Not at all. Ask if they need subpromoters. Just be sure to deliver when called upon.

I went to Emerson last week...nice looking club. 

What would you typically charge a bar for you to promote through their facebook? (i.e. run their facebook & twitter page & promote their events)

Asked by brittanyloomis1 about 12 years ago

They don't hire promoters for that. Some of the biggest companies hire firms that specialize in social media to do that, but most aren't big on promoting that way. It takes away from the word-of-mouth coolness.

What makes a nightclub fail?

Asked by 4tris about 12 years ago

A weak opening

How old is too old for guys to be at a club?

Asked by unsane almost 12 years ago

You're only as old as the women you feel.

What can you do to make your Facebook more appealing so that girls that you don't know will want to go out with you? Thanks.

Asked by Al over 11 years ago

If you need me to tell you how to be cool, we're off to a bad start.

Find a good promoter's facebook and you'll see. The promoter is selling first and foremost an (imaginary) lifestyle and secondariliy his own sex appeal. So good party pictures (filtered through Instagram to look even cooler) and shot of yourself impeccably dressed will go along way.

What's the right girl-to-guy ratio for a nightclub?

Asked by Caleb C about 12 years ago

99% women, 1% high end bottle service (men)

Why do nightclubs have dress codes? Doesn't the cover charge weed out the riff raff?

Asked by chinzio_L about 12 years ago

Definitely not. Even riff raff is willing to pony up $20 to grind their boners on some drunk girls. A club is an image business. That means pretty, well-dressed people.

are you aware of any clubs that said screw it and tried an all inclusive approach. did it just bomb miserably ?

Asked by ca291 almost 12 years ago

There are many. It can work under the right circumstances like if you cater to a specific audience, say Electronic Dance Music. Host a megaclub club, charge everyone a cover and spend for big name DJ's. 

Vegas is of course the ultimate all inclusive.

What's the correct way to grease a promoter? Should I do the money-in-handshake thing, or is that just something they do in movies?

Asked by Smitty MD about 12 years ago

Believe or not, it is the money-in-handshake thing, usually combined with a half-bro hug. Other times it's literally just handing over discretely. Anything other than waving it hyperactively in front of his face works. Discretion is not as important with promoters as it is with bouncers

Thanks! One follow up. You said, "Discretion is not as important as if it's a bouncer." Why is that?

Asked by Smitty, M.D. about 12 years ago

Edited the original to be coherent. Discretion is important with bouncers but not as much as promoters for a couple of reasons. One is that bouncers are actually employees of the club whereas promoters are quasi-contractors, usually informal ones. So the bouncer has more of a duty to the club. Another is proximity; the bouncer is usually standing right next to his boss so taking a grease looks bad. A promoter can wander around the club, the line, the parking lot, wherever. So you can actually grease him 40 feet away from anyone's prying eyes. And lastly, the promoter is responsible for his crowd so if he decides it's important that a few dudes gets in whether because they are friends or they paid him, the club will usually give him a little bit a slack. Bouncers on the other hand are paid almost exclusively to say no.

How DO you convince people to come to whatever club you're promoting at? What's the selling point beyond "It's gonna be crazy!"

Asked by brikhaus about 12 years ago

Drugs. No I'm kidding. Kind of. It's really like any personal/concierge service. You get people coming by investing in their experience and cultivating personal relationships. This might mean getting them hookups in different cities, discounts on restaurants around town, invites to cool private parties, or just free drinks at your table. Also can mean hanging out with these people (gasp!) during the day.

Hey I have bartending experience and went to school for bartending. I want to be a bartender or a bottle girl at a club in hollywood. Im 22 years old, and look the part. How do I get in?

Asked by Faith about 12 years ago

Apply in person. Dress well and look the part when you go. They are hiring you based on your look above all else. It helps if you have service experience (even at Applebee's) but not essential.

I'm thinking about just moving to Vegas and start promoting, any suggestions on how to get started and work my way up?

Asked by Al almost 12 years ago

Drugs. Lots of drugs. I'm half joking. Vegas is it's own animal. They have less of need for promoters because everyone is from out of town so they don't care that much about repeat business. As a result curating the crowd takes a back seat to packing 'em in. And the start up / capital cost of a Vegas club is so great that they couldn't do that anyway. They've got to run people through and charge them all cover. The promoters I know that have done Vegas do it for special events or have graduated to dealing primarily with ballers so they actually have something to offer a Vegas club that the club can't do on it's own, namely people to drop 20k in a night. I would suggest reading a recent GQ article called "The Best Night $500,000 Can Buy"

How often how often do promoters bring in underage (18-20 yr old) girls? Is it easy, and do you make more money that way?

Asked by nyc almost 12 years ago

It happens. The ease depends on a lot of the things like how shady the owners are, how hot the girls are, and how believable her fake ID from Deleware is

Can an 18 year old be a promoter in the NYC area?

Asked by Ray almost 12 years ago

I believe just for 18 and over clubs. Unclear how strict they will be about it. I suggest doing something better with your life.

ever seen a door guy tell someone straight up that they're too fat or ugly to get in? how does someone even react to something like that?

Asked by chuck silva almost 12 years ago

Not in the US but I recently saw it in Australia. There were two lines to the place. The bouncer was shouting at the top of his lungs "Beautiful people only in the this line! Beautiful people only!" then he shined a flashlight in a girl's face and said "Are you beautiful?" and after assessing her, told her stand in the regular line. Her eyes started to well up and she left. 

Seperately at another place in the same city, I saw bouncer inform a guy that he wouldn't be getting in because he had a Brazilian ID and the club had had a "problem with Brazilians being too aggressive with the women". The guy had waited over an hour and the place was a gross mess of grinding and people who were way too drunk. 

Totally classless in both cases. 

Have you ever seen "the little guy" win at the door? Like someone who'd just had it and bitch-slapped a bouncer, promoter, list-b*tch, etc?

Asked by 4onthefloor over 12 years ago

In club-life, like in real life, "the little guy" rarely wins

Hey I hope you can respond. i am currently in the process of becoming a VIP Host for a high end nightclub in Hollywood, What specifically would you suggest me to do, for me to be able to pull a large college girl crowd ASAP?You said fashion schools?

Asked by Rich almost 12 years ago

By VIP host I assume you mean promoter and not bottle service. In LA, the girls of FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merch) make up a good portion of the club going population. They're young, they're into dressing up and going out, and they essentially go to an all girls school. It's the perfect storm. Other than that, I would utilize facebook. A lot of promoters organize sorority outings to clubs. Can be OK but they can sloppy off Popov pre-parties.

Im 17 years old i live in New York, and I want to open up a nightclub. Any suggestions or tips?
Plus I want to start my own clothing line too.

Asked by Leo almost 12 years ago

Get a job at a bar or club. You need to learn the business from the inside and make the relationships that will help you later. Nightclubs have huge startup costs so you better have rich parents. Clothing line is a terrible business

How do you come up with a percentage of the bar and should it be after a certain amount the bar has made?

Asked by missy almost 12 years ago

The club usually offers it and it's not like you have a lot of negotiating room. And yes, it's usually after a certain threshold is met.

Sam Nazarian, A PERSIAN, is the CEO of SBE. SBE owns most exclusive clubs in LA, Vegas, Miami , and New York. it just wouldn't make sense that he'll be racist against his own race. So why are you racist and full of shit? why you jealous?

Asked by BigDick over 11 years ago

I believe they call that "irony"

Thanks for the question BigDick.

How did you manage to bring a good amount of people to the clubs every weekend? Don't you run out of people to invite at some point?

Asked by sensito almost 12 years ago

Despite what looks to me a pretty crappy experience, people are still going clubbing. I personally prefer OKcupid or a night burning off my leg hairs with a lighter but that's just me. I'm old. There are always new faces fresh off the bus from Oklahoma ready to put on that black mini, drink free Grey Goose, and make out with the D-level reality TV "star" that got paid to show up. 

Also keep in mind promoters cast a wide net. There might be 5000-8000 numbers  in their phone. Someone is coming out. And when you get to that point, your list grows organically by reputation.

What is standard % of liquor sales to request?

Asked by Geedup 64 almost 12 years ago

Varies widely depending on how much leverage you have. Like most things in life.

We have a club outside a military base and there is a big shortage of good looking women for our ladies contests that we run, any tips on were to find hot women to recruit for the club contests?

Asked by Del almost 12 years ago

Maybe contests aren't your forte then. Cheap beer might be better alternative.

I am interested in becoming a club promoter here in Los Angeles, CA. How and where do I start.

Asked by Justin almost 12 years ago

See my answer above to the question that starts with "Starting From Stratch...."

You stated that it's easier to grease up the promoters than the bouncers, but how do you differentiate between the promoters who can actually get you in and the ones who can't?

Asked by Seraphis almost 12 years ago

Promoters will tell you if they can get you in up front and before any money is exchanged. If not, are you sure that's the promoter? Could be the valet.

What is the most amount of bottles you have seen ONE table get in a single night?

Asked by Diabolik almost 12 years ago

6. They were Persian.

Is clubs a good place to pickup girl as opposed to other places with girls and if so, how do you put your best foot forward?

Asked by sexymofo almost 12 years ago

I could write a book as an answer to this. 

Overall I think if you have certain advantages, looks chief among them, clubs can be pretty decent places. 

Best foot forward...put a lot of effort into your appearance. This means being in really good shape, lots of thought into your clothes and style, and a cool haircut. Getting to know people in nightlife (promoters, etc). And most of all build thick skin. Finding love in a club is a numbers game. 

As mentioned earlier, I am looking to break up the monotony of my day job. I'm an attractive female and live in LA. I have no interest in promoting: if I want to work at a nightclub, what are my options? Bottle girl, dancer, bartender?

Asked by TG over 11 years ago

Coke whore?

You have to decorate the club according to the kind of party you going to have ? that matters at all?

Asked by Elgrande almost 12 years ago


do clubs ever get protested by feminist leagues, anti rape orgnizations, that kind of thing?

Asked by annie burns almost 12 years ago

Ha, I've never seen it but the idea of a bouncer flashing a light in the face of a short-haired Vassar alum screaming about rape culture makes me laugh. 

Should a promoter be held accountable for liabilty during the night of his event.

Asked by Alias almost 12 years ago

Ha! No. The club isn't even really liable for most things and they have insurance (which costs a fortune) for the things they are liable for. If a promoter was held liable for the actions of 2000 drunk and potentially drugged-up bozos, no one would ever do the job.

my bestfriend's sis is gorgeous half-brazilian girl & since she was 17 (i was 15) has led this lavish lifestyle of travel (miami, ny, vegas, maui), parties, having random hot girl friends & expensive clothes. their fam is NOT rich.. (tb-continued)..

Asked by marie from austin tx over 11 years ago

......i'm pretty sure this girl doesn't sleep around but she did become a bartender at 18 and does it sometimes. can you write out a how-to list for attractive girls that want to live the same lifestyle? i'm 20 and have a fake id."

You're kidding yourself if you don't think she sleeps around. That lifestyle only goes so far until you have to pay the piper.

There's no to-do list except maybe move to LA, NY or Miami. Look hot, got out a lot, if you are attractive enough, the rest comes to you. 

Stay in school kids



You mentioned that in the highest tiers, being a promoter gives up to 200k. Do you think, then, I should dump my prospects of being a commercial pilot and follow the promoter path instead?

Asked by MrPlaneDick over 11 years ago

Keep in mind you are taking career advise from someone whose career choice at one point was to be a nightclub promoter. So take with a grain of salt.

You need to be model good-looking to make that kind of money. And really, that's not enough. The guys that make that kind of money are usually a group of friends of famous/rich fathers. They are really good looking and grew up around party people so they have a huge network of hot girls and connections to attractive people. Ideally the went to high school in Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades or Malibu so they might have a friends who are low-level famous (think Brody Jenner). And they are really good looking so attractive women want to hang out with them. 

They're also usually huge douchebags

Does this sound like you? If not, don't quit your day job

The next time I'm on a plane I'm going to try not to think about my pilot considering slut-herding on the weekend as a career option. 

what's a good way to find a goood catchy name for my partner and i?

Asked by sheena over 11 years ago

I suggest Goood

Lets just assume that I've some money to spend, how would I get the easiest way inside a club being what you call a undesirable ethnicity, badly dressed and all?

Asked by sexymofo almost 12 years ago

Buy nice clothes, try to bring girls if you can, grease the bouncer. If all else fails, buy botttle service. 

I've noticed that 9/10 girls on fb or any social media ignore you even if you offer free drinks and and free entry at some of the most upscale nightclubs. Did you have any social media strategies? Thanks.

Asked by Al over 11 years ago

This means your facebook profile isn't cool enough. It's not about free drinks or entry, it's about whether they want to actually hang out with you. Do you think girls have any trouble getting free drinks or free entry without you?

would you ever let your own daughter work in the nightclub business?

Asked by bluesyde almost 12 years ago

Hold on the thought of having a daughter just scared me for a second......ok I'm back. Luckily for my potential future daughter, I don't live in culture where she would need to have family's permission to do something. If she's an adult, she can make her own decision. I would tell her the same thing I would tell a it for awhile but don't stay too long. Also stay away from promoters, those guys are the worst.

How do I meet a promoter who can get us hooked up at a specific club on short notice (1-2 weeks)? My girlfriends and I want to check out hot spots like LAVO, Le Bain, Cielo, etc, but we're all new to the NYC nightlife scene.

Asked by NYC Chick almost 12 years ago

I suggest facebook. Do searches for those places and look on their walls to see who is liking or commenting. Find attractive women and see who is commenting and liking on a lot of their pages (they will likely be promoters).

Then again, if you are hot enough, just show up. 

Im an 18 year old DJ in LA and started going to clubs last year. I really want to DJ in clubs. How would i DJ in clubs in LA? Do i have to know the promoter etc? Whats the best way?

Asked by GI almost 12 years ago

I'm not a well versed in the DJ scene. I do know most of the DJ's in LA clubs have DJ agents that get them gigs. Your best bet is to meet some LA based DJ's and ask. I don't think knowing promoters helps much.

i just got a job as a bottle service girl. I said I had over two years of experience and ive actually never done it. Can you give me a run down of what a night looks like as a bottle service girl?

Asked by jenn almost 12 years ago

You lied, which is a good start to work in an industry that is based on lies. Good job.

It's pretty simple. Fit in to a corsett, put on loads of makeup and flirt with skeezy guys. And occasionally pour drinks for them. Don't sweat it, it's not balancing the federal budget and they'll fill you in on exactly what they expect of you. 

I've just applied to work at a gentlemen's club (doing anything but dancing) and they said they thought I'd make a good promo girl based on my personality. So my question is what's the best way to get people coming in to buy a bottle at the door?

Asked by Darling over 11 years ago

Be prepared to get really sick of every guy asking "why aren't you up there?"

Gentlemen's Clubs are not my forte. I don't really get the appeal. Have these guys not heard of internet porn?

Have you ever promoted a strip club and if so what method of marketing did you use?

Asked by Sweet Bee almost 12 years ago

Strip clubs don't use promoters the way nightclubs do. Even the guy with the mullet and the Stone Cold Steve Austin tshirt gets in. I don't get it...if you want to be entertained by a naked lady, go on the internet. If you want to pay someone to pretend to like you, get married. 

Is it better to be a nightclub promoter, or a nightclub owner?

Asked by jason k. almost 12 years ago

Would you rather own the Lakers or be the 12th guy on the bench that gets the clap 3 times a year?

How many bottles would be standard for a group of 15-20 girls for a bachelorette party? We plan on doing bottle service. I'm just not sure how many we should start off with

Asked by Katie almost 12 years ago

How many are overweight?

Have you ever found the pickup artist methods to ever have worked in a club setting as they so claim? or is it just a numbers game when it comes to club pickups even after 1AM?

Asked by sexymofo almost 12 years ago

Clubs in LA were littered with PUA's for quite some time. Any girl who had been out more than a few times was familiar with the techniques (most notably, asking an opinion on something). 

I unfortunately met most of the instructors and most of them were frauds. Their best techinique was apparently having really low standards.  

That said, I've seen it work and in some rare cases work very well but I attribute it to a placebo effect (the guy thinks it's going to work so the confidence makes it so) and just plain volume.

I'm starting to do a little promoting for Monday Night Social recently moved to Sound Nightclub. I'm not really interested in the promoting but I can personally bring in artists. What's the best way to spread my name for door sales?

Asked by Marc over 11 years ago

I'm not sure what spreading your name for door sales means. Promoters only know about spreading legs for bottle service. 

I need party promoter. We are having very interesting private parties but we need spacial people to join us.
if you can help me just email at;

Asked by Eric over 11 years ago

Enjoy the spam email 

Is there anything about the nightlife experience/industry as a whole (not just clubs) that you feel could be improved? Particularly with the use of technology. Anything that made you think, there has to be a better way..?

Asked by Alexander over 11 years ago

Yeah...forgoing it all together in favor of online dating.

How much should I charge a popular night club in atlanta to promote their club? What are usually the rates?

Asked by kuzzinkel almost 12 years ago

For the most part you don't set the rates, the club does. You don't have much leverage as a promoter so at the beginning at least, you take what you can get. Good luck.

I'm 23 just moved to nyc, know about 10 people so far... i think i have the looks and personality for promoting... but real talk- is it possible to do this without sleeping around or getting into the drug scene?

Asked by nycbitch over 11 years ago

You don't need to do either as a promoter to succeed. But you will need to know more than 10 people

Female promoters never last long. See my previous answer to the question that starts with "Why arent' there more female promoters?"

What does a promoter mean when he is going to hook you on an open bar tab? Free drinks all night or will I have to pay for everyone's drinks at the end of the night?

Asked by Michelle almost 12 years ago

Hi Michelle, since you are a girl there is no chance the promoter expects you to pay anything. Assuming he has half a clue. Open bar tab is free drinks. Free drinks are in fact the chief benefit of being a girl so enjoy. I'll be over here paying for my drinks and enjoying my superior physical strength and earning power. 

what is expected as a bottle girl? i'm 22 work in a bank in NY and some of my friends are in this i actually want to do it to make money and help my mom out. Any advice? should i? btw i weigh 110 pounds and no boob job, think i got a chance? ha -__-

Asked by Michelle.Her over 11 years ago

Bottle girl requirements:

- Look hot

The end

Big boobs help but not required 

I have an interview for team lead promoter in vegas for angel management group is there any advice you can give any advice before my interview? What should I say or what are some questions i can expect them to ask me?

Asked by ken702176 over 11 years ago

Sorry not familiar with them. I wouldn't expect them to ask you anything too complicated beside "where da hoes at?" 

I'm not sure if this is the correct site to ask this question. I have a friend who is an upcoming actor and has appeared in several movies. How do I begin to get him appearances in nightclubs to sign autographs or host events?

Asked by Lynette over 11 years ago

He needs an agent, who will book those kind of things. 

I need special people to join out private parties. dress code and entrance fee.
email me at

Asked by Eric over 11 years ago

What do I get?

im a new event planner with several connections in the music world. so event planning can lead to big $$$$ what questions should I ask the club owner before I decide to host my concert or music event at his location?

Asked by bwaug over 11 years ago

This is not my field of expertise. Musical acts are booked by their agents typically.

Hi! Do you have any advice for females dating a promoter?

Asked by A. over 11 years ago

Ha! Don't kid yourself. You're not dating, you're fucking

"If you date a nightclub promoter, you should lose your right to vote in the next election" - Neal Brennan

If I were looking for drugs in Vegas, would a club promoter be able to hook me up? And how would you go about asking them something like that?

Asked by Janne over 11 years ago

First of all, I don't condone doing drugs. Unless they make you feel amazing. Or help you have fun. Or relieve stress. Or get an attractive person to sleep you. 

But if you are going to do them or get them, Vegas is among the easiest to do so. Find a sleazy looking guy at a table and ask straight up. 

How do you increase your clientele as a promoter?

Asked by the newbie over 11 years ago

By hook or by crook.

I suggest social media as the most efficent means. But promoters are always promoting. Friends of friends, strangers at the mall. Women are everywhere.

I'd like to help new jack promoters in NYC. Would you run this?...


-Bring girls. Tall ones. All girl parties over twenty should be paying $400-$500 if a crew is aesthetically right

Asked by Frankie Leone over 11 years ago

 What in Sam Hill is this question asking?

How do clubs manage their bottle service reservations? Do they care what clientele book bottles or do they just care about how much they want to pay?

Asked by asuglfer over 11 years ago

Yes they do care and the better the club the more they care. 

They manage the process through the promoters. The promoters will be liable for bad bottle clients just as they would be for fat girls. Since a good promoter knows he will catch flack for selling bottles to a bunch of overly-agressive poorly dressed fat guys, he will make it a point to meet the client or at least check out his facebook before actually selling a table to him.

Here's where it really gets devious. If you try to book directly with the club (some clubs allow this on their websites or over the phone) they will ask for a credit credit to hold the reservation. What they are actually doing is looking at your name. So a Brett Weinstein is going to have an easier time getting a table, will have fewer bottles to buy, and get a better table location in the club than will a Mohammed Al Tareni 

I will be visiting Vegas for a week with some of my girlfriends is it safe to ask a promoter for drugs? Do they all know somebody?

Asked by Katherine over 11 years ago

See previous Vegas question

how old you have to be to be a nightclub promoter?

Asked by michael alig follower over 11 years ago

18 or 21 depending on where you live

Was the average salary of a club promotor?

Asked by Jay over 11 years ago

See previous answer to the question "How much can a club promoter make in a year?"

Hey I do bathroom valet at a strip club, what's the best way to become a promoter for the club?

Asked by DD about 11 years ago

Strip Clubs don't have promoters, not like regular nightclubs. Remember nightclubs are tasked with bringing in girls, not guys.

What is the title of the guy that say yes/no on whether you get in to the club (i.e. Parker at Bootsys)? He doesn't seem to be a promotor or bouncer. Can a hot female have that job, and if so - how to apply?

Asked by TG over 11 years ago

That's a bouncer. Or doorman as they would call it there. 

Yes, a girl can definitely have that job. Bar210, Hemingway's, and Bar Marmont are a few places that have/had girls at the door. Be prepared to be called the c-word.

What does one need to become a promoter, just starting off, is there a lot of captial needed?, can You give me pointers. Because I'd like to start doing club promoting here in south africa?

Asked by lillo over 11 years ago

The only capital required is human capital and by human capital I mean sluts. 

What is the average pay per event for a promoter? If I was looking to hire one what would be a good "price" or pay structure?

Asked by Umm... over 11 years ago

Depends on whether you charge cover or not. If so, a cut of that is appropriate (usually $5 of $20). If not, you can get more creative in the ways of screwing him over.

I am an 20 yr old female & Ive just recently started promoting nightclubs& im very good at it but a competitor has offered to pay me ,and ask what i charge ..whats a reasonable proce

Asked by Lady over 11 years ago

Depends how much you are making now. Whatever he says you can make sure the real number will be less

Is it unusual for a guy going solo in Vegas to purchase bottle service in a higher-end club?

Asked by atkins over 11 years ago

I'd say it looks shady

Hi, I am currently a college senior looking to make extra cash for tuition and stuff. I'm very fit and attractive so nightlife seems like a good way to make cash. What do I need to do to become a 'bottle service girl'?

Asked by premedgal over 10 years ago

Apply in person. It's 95% looks. The other 5% is mostly a high tolerance for skeezy guys

Is it easy going into clubs with a fake foreign id saying I'm 21 if I'm a tourist?? and actually 20 yr old.

Asked by gracie almost 11 years ago

If you are an attractive girl, yes. Much like most of life. If not, it will be


I am thinking of going to a club with my friends visiting and one of them is plus sized but super pretty and alaways dresses to impress. Will she have a hard time getting into clubs?

Asked by Kaithlyn over 11 years ago

Only if the club is good.

Do clubs ever use / give promoters lower quality alcohol than the outside of the bottle suggests? I don't know how they can make a profit with all these promoters popping ace of spades and cristal.

Asked by London over 11 years ago

They do. But it's because they are crooks not because they can't turn a profit.

If you see a promoter with Ace of Spades or Cristal it means a) a rich client bought it and the promoter is just stealing his thunder or 2) he sold many, many more bottles and the club made tens of thousands of dollars so they can afford to kick him a bottle that cost them $300.

No one is going to pay you more than you are worth to them

Your opinion- how do you set the dj(non-commercial/top-40/pop hop) lineups for the night? What genre goes first, primetime, last? House, electro, dubstep, etc...

Asked by ilnguy808 over 11 years ago

Not up to the promoter. The DJ and general manager handle that. In general clubs offer different music on different nights to segment the crowds

I have a couple chips from a really good club and they say COMP on the back. A friend of mine who always gets bottles gave them to me when he was pretty hammered.. I never asked what it was. Are they bottle comps?

Asked by Lexi over 11 years ago

Seems like he would be a better person to ask. 

It's likely a comp admission

do you have to be 18 or older to be a promoter

Asked by Kevin over 11 years ago


What should I pay my bottle service host? Percentage of sales or percentage of tips? Out of office hours (answering emails, etc).

Asked by Jimmy over 11 years ago

Bottle girls usually get 20% of the bottle plus tips. 


Hello , Im 18 and would like to be a club promoter any ideas in how to begin ? What to do ?

Asked by MelissaRusse over 11 years ago

See previous answers to this question. Short answer - start meeting as many girls as possible.

How much is a good percentage to make at bar if I am booking an event there?

Asked by Kevin over 11 years ago

If it's a one-off event, you probably won't get a percentage of the bar. If you do, you won't have any negotiating power so take what you can get. As a promoter you are paid in easy lays.

Is being a promoter a good living? like raising a family and then retiring as a promotor..? I want to become a promotor in the Miami area Thanks

Asked by Gary over 11 years ago

You can make a decent living as a promoter but you absolutely can't raise a family. Bottle service and bottle feeding don't mix. While the money at the higher levels are adaquate, the lifestyle isn't. Good luck explaining to the mother of your newborn (who still carries the baby weight around) that you can't change diapers, you've gotta hit the club to pour Grey Goose down skank's throats until 4am.

And retirement? You'd drop dead first.


What is the title of the person who handles bottle service? Is it just a waitress that arranges it or a concierge?

Asked by Addiktive almost 11 years ago

Usually she's called the VIP hostess (when she's not being called the c-word)

How did you build connections in the nightlife when you first started out?

Asked by Tony over 11 years ago

See previous answers to the same question. Short hook or by crook. I recommend social media now a'days. 

How do promoters know so many people/get so many phone numbers?

Asked by Hollywood girl almost 11 years ago

The short answer is they hustle.

Mostly facebook and other social media now (instagram is big). If you project the right image and are fun and attractive, clients especially women, show up. The more people you know, the more will seek you out and your job becomes easier. It's a network effect.

What would you say, would be a descent bar split as in a percentage?

Asked by James Ho over 11 years ago

Depends greatly. I've seen as high as 20%

How old is too old for a girl to get in the club?

Asked by Gwendolyn over 11 years ago

Depends how good the club is. As a rule of thumb, if your kid is in high school, please stay home.

I was just offered to be a club promoter, seemed like great work whilst completing my Psychology Degree. Then I came across your blog, Satan must have engulfed 3 tons of ego and conceit and produced you, come down to earth, earn some pride.

Asked by Conflicted almost 11 years ago


Have you ever noticed that alot of the models actually seem to hate the promoters? Just 'Play up' to liking them so they get into the VIP and free drinks etc, but talk about them behind their back saying their 'Creepy' or 'Players' etc??

Asked by JustMe almost 11 years ago

Bahahaha. You know who models end up sleeping with? Creepy guys and players. 

And yeah they might play up liking them for free drinks but it's a symbiotic relationship. The promoter needs them at least as much as they need the promoter. 

And in reality they hate them because they've slept with them only to realize the promoters are sleeping with tons of other girls too. 

what should i set the bar minimum at?

Asked by mike j over 11 years ago

Depends on your area/city. You don't  have a lot of negotiating power as a promoter at least at the beginning. 

Do female promoters do well in this business?

Asked by Boss Lasy about 10 years ago

See previous answer on this same question

are there a lot of girl promoters? Can I be one?

Asked by liyala over 10 years ago

See previous answer to the same question. Short answer....why? 

How can I become a bottle girl in Miami or Ft lauderdale?

Asked by kiki almost 10 years ago

Do you look like a porn star? Then Miami Bottle Girl might be the right career for you. Inquire in person.

Never been to Ft. Lauderdale so can't speak to that. I imagine it's a JV version of Miami.

Keep in mind, in either case you'll have to live in Florida. So there's that.....

I was wondering, if you keep asking the promoter for guest list, how do you show that you're grateful? Do you tip? And also, do you prefer being informed of the party coming in two weeks advance or a few days before?

Asked by psychoanalyst almost 11 years ago

Bringing hot girls is the ultimate thank you. Or buying bottles from him. It's rare to tip but it's nice when it happens. It's like anything in life, money talks.

If you are getting a table, then advanced notice is great. If not, the promoter doesn't care, just show up and hope the door guy let's you in.

I am a model (23) and I want to become a vip bottle girl, can you help me get in? I have a 36DD bust and am skinny, tanned and 5'7". I worked as bartender and made a lot but would like to make more

Asked by scarlett about 11 years ago

Please send your pic and phone number, better yet just stop by....

Ok I'm kidding. Apply to places in person. If you are a good as you sound, they'll hire you. 

I'm gonna do a vacation year in Australia- Sydney.

I'd like to work for a nightclub to earn some Money while i live there.
Can i work as a promoter with 18 years and no experience? Is there a job to animate people? I'd love to do that.

Asked by Julian over 11 years ago

The places I went to in Sydney didn't use promoters. Not sure if that's standard there. Start talking to people and you'll figure it out. 

Animate people? That's what the drugs and alcohol are for.

Do you know The Electric Pickle club in Miami? it easy or difficult trying to get in(I am a 20 year-old girl)

Asked by gracie almost 11 years ago

I'm unfamilar that but was my nickname in high school

Thanks for the cynical , upfront, and hilarious replies! Should be a regular column, addressing all aspects of

Asked by Thanks about 9 years ago

Thanks sir or madam. I couldn't agree more. It's about time Xander The Promoter became Xander the Life Coach. Like Oprah, all the best ones have a single name.

How would a person become a club promoter?

Asked by marcus024 about 10 years ago

See previous answer to same question

A promoter has hooked me and my friends up at Gans Park for my birthday next weekend by getting us on the list, getting us a free table and a free bottle. I'm assuming he's being so helpful because me and my friends are attractive... (Continued...)

Asked by Manhattanite over 10 years ago

(Continued) ... And wants to keep us as clients for the future. Should I send a thank you gift after the party? Or should I just keep going to his events? Does he expect anything at all? I only ask because even though it's predominantly girls he helped get a few guy friends in for free, and I've only met him recently. Thanks, in advance, for the advice!"

Yeah sounds like he wants you as a client. I would be dumbfounded if a girl gave me a gift. I'm certain he doesn't expect one. Going to his events and bringing attractive girls is the best thank you that you can give a promoter. Ok 2nd best.

I am just starting out. For finding table clients, what do you do? When approaching to random people on the street, do you immediately push that you are a club promoter or do you build just a relationship first?

Asked by Promoter K almost 10 years ago

You're not going to find a lot of table clients on the street. You're selling $500 bottles of vodka, not bacon-wrapped hot dogs. You find them through your relationships and yes, you can immediately tell them you're a promoter.

Are nightclub promoters and bouncers a OFFICALY allowed to ask you for $$ ($100 per) to let you pass the line but not including entrance fee?
and if so do the promoters and bouncers pocket the cash or split the money among themselves?

Asked by Max almost 11 years ago

Not technically. Bouncers get in more trouble than promoters. And for the most part the both just pocket the $.

It sounds like you have been with a fair share of club girls... can you divulge: Are they usually bare down there? Also, I am always curious as to whether or not they are wearing underwear under those tight outfits?

Asked by Freedom over 10 years ago

What is your inmate number, Freedom? :)

I haven't seen hair down there since I stole my neighbors 1973 playboy magazine (this was last week)

I've found g-strings are typically the norm

Hello, do you need any connections to DJ in a club?

Asked by DJ about 11 years ago

It helps. The best DJ's have agents. Otherwise it's a bunch of networking and trying to get your music heard

Obviously my name means I have something going for me. What if I have something uncontrollable going against me... say male pattern baldness? Could I still get lots of chicks at the club?

Asked by Dr. Derrick May over 10 years ago

I wouldn't say it's your best bet. You should be focusing on places where the women are over 25 (when they are less looks focused) and where they might actually hear you when you say you're a surgeon. I suggest bars and restaurants. 

Also I'd consider shaving your head. The half moon bay look isn't good. 

What are the chances of my 20 year old friend getting in with us if we are 23-26? With a real ID? We are a group of 6 females.

Asked by helpMePlease about 10 years ago

Depends on the bar and the city. And how attractive she is.

This guy asked me what I charge to host (I have no idea what that even means). What does hosting at a nightclub entail and what does it usually pay?

Asked by Hollywood girl almost 11 years ago

It means either being the bottle girl or the girl at front with the clipboard. Pay varies but bottle girls can make a lot on tips (and usually 20% on the bottles)

I'm new to event promotio. What would be the best way to make profit at a small local bar that does not charge at door?

Asked by playtoy almost 11 years ago

Small local bars don't usually use outside promoters

I am opening a Teen Night Club on some events it will be 15 to 20 yrs old others will be 17+ never any alcohol. What would be the best way to promote this. On the 1st event I only had 32 people. Only doing 1 event every 1 to 2 months to start

Asked by Smittyy about 10 years ago

Social media. Instagram and facebook are your best friends. Take some amazing pictures, even if it's all 32 people crammed on to a single bottle service couch.

Under 21 clubs suck.

My daughter is 22 and beautiful. She does not stand in line and gets free drinks. She is half Persian and half Mexican but now I know she gets in because she is hot. My question is are there any descent guys in these places?

Asked by Mom over 10 years ago

Hi Mom! Glad you could join us.

Why did you think she got it in? Her wit?

I'm going to need to photographic verification of said daughter's hotness. Then I can tell you if she'll meet a decent guy or not (or a descent one for that matter)

Are there strippers

Asked by will about 11 years ago

In the world? Yes. They get paid to convince men that they find them attractive

Did you party a lot as a nightclub promoter

Asked by Dmack over 10 years ago

If by party you mean do drugs, it depends. It's hard to stay up that late without some chemical assitance but most promoters stop at Red Bull or Adderral. 

If you mean go out. Yeah that's the job.

Does a south american white chick fall into the category "undesirable ethnicity"?

Asked by Julieta over 10 years ago

Do you look white? The bouncers are not going to give you a 23andMe DNA test. They'll take one look and decide. 

What is the best way to get into bootsy bellows and hooray henry's if I don't know any promoters for that club? Can i just show up and be honest with them and tell them that i don't know anyone and see if i look the part for those clubs? Thanks

Asked by Kate J. over 10 years ago

Same way you do for any club. Knowing someone is almost irrelevant, it's all how you look and what your male / female ratio is. So, Kate, if you're cute you'll get in and you'll meet promoters soon enough.

is there a difference between vegas promoters and the promoters in LA? I've noticed that vegas promoters give a lot more instructions as to where to go after the girls on the guest-lists arrive. However, the promoters in LA don't really do that.

Asked by over 10 years ago

Vegas promoters are much more concerned about bottle clients and much less concerned about curiating a crowd since the crowd is mostly out-of-towners so there's little repeat business. Also the clubs are so big and expensive that you need bottle clients and bodies, not a handful of super attractive women. 

Also Vegas promoters are scummier. 

First off you are fucking hilarious...Promoting in LA I just keep getting flash back moments to your answers. Anyway my question. I am trying to get a team to work with . Im newer to LA and I sub-promote for this hispanic dude. How do I find a

Asked by DeeGee over 10 years ago

Question cont'd - "Couple other good looking guys who are motivated as I am to really just bring in these hoes. I need to make a team. Me and 2 or 3 other guys and thats the hardest part."

Thank you, Sir.

You've got two options. One is focus on building relationships with girls and once you have enough, jumping ship to join up with a better promoter. They'll find you if they see you with attractive girls. The second option is meeting good looking club regulars and convincing them to promote with you. I'd say option one is the slightly easier option if you can prevent your new buddy from trying to steal your girls.

These hoes ain't loyal

I am going to be 21 on may 15th an I'm looking for a good club hip hop in Hollywood. I am having a party bus an it will be about 20-25 of us. Also is there any clubs that has service entry discounts with this many people that I am bringing.

Asked by Desinae almost 10 years ago

Happy Early Birthday! Sounds like it's going to be a sloppy night.

If you park your car anywhere in Hollywood on a typical night, you'll come back to your car covered in flyers for clubs, many of which will offer discounted entrance. Otherwise, find an awful promoter and he'll offer you the same.

How do you become a NightClub Hostess?

Asked by Becky over 10 years ago

Apply in person. It's 95% looks

Hi, I work for a model Alexandria Valentina and I was wondering if she could host your nightclub one night

Asked by Jasmine about 10 years ago

Define "model"

How does one find Promoters to hire?

Asked by CLopapa over 10 years ago

Networking usually. For the good ones at least. I've see bar/clubs post on craigslist for promoters. I imagine those places have metal detectors at the door. 

What are some well known tricks for advertising/promoting a club as you mentioned in one of your answers you said it's really just mass text.... is there any other techniques besides mass text?

Asked by DCARTER over 10 years ago

Email flyers are popular. Hard flyers left on car windshields is another popular one amongst crappy clubs. My car looks like it's been through a parade with all the crap on it after a night in a hollywood parking lot.

How do I become a club promoter? I currently live in the uk and looking to take a year out and want to work as a club promoter.

Asked by Jasmina buhalfaia over 9 years ago

See previous answer to question that begin with "Starting from scratch....."

Am I too old for a club to want to hire me, I'm 42 but without knowing my age everyone thinks I'm 32,

Asked by Tracey over 10 years ago

Every 42 year old thinks she looks 32

I'm starting an event company. How do I Promoter my events and the vip bottle service that goes with It.

Asked by sweetbelmont almost 11 years ago

Promoting = hiring a promoter. It's right there in the name.

Actually I have found that the promoters usually want to have a relationship with the models, whilst f'ing the plain jane club ho's on the side. But they will never upgrade the Basic Club Ho's to girlfriend status and alot of the time the models

Asked by MeAgain almost 11 years ago

Basic Club Ho's would be a good name for a band.


I know some promters that make money by creating a guest list. What is another way for a promoter to make money?

Asked by Deya over 10 years ago

Bottle service. Promoters get a cut of bottle sales they bring in

I'm throwing a Halloween Party (it falls on a Friday), but I don't know many ppl, so I want to hire 2 friends who know a lot of ppl. I'm thinking to charge $ 40 as presale. (I rented a warehouse). How much cut should I give them? Thx.

Asked by LO_Ris over 10 years ago

Depends on your profit margins after renting the venue, etc. I assume you want to make a profit? $5-10 would be typical

The PR manager of one of the biggest clubs in LA has banned me because I slept with his girlfriend. Is he allowed to do that? How much money do club PR managers usually make in opposed to regular promoters? He claims to be Loaded..

Asked by charleyDRP almost 11 years ago

First of all, that's awesome. Kudos to you, I imagine she was hot. Please send pics. 

I'm guessing there's no legal statutue that says you are allowed into nightclubs despite banging the manager's giftfriend. So you're probably going to have to go somewhere else.

Like most people in nightlife, they don't make much. You don't do that job for the money

Who do I contact to setup a performance at a nightclub? A promoter or the person who runs the club. Thank you.

Asked by doeski over 10 years ago

The club's General Manager handles this

whats the best way to find a promoter who is looking for acts to perform at an event

Asked by blaze over 10 years ago

Promoters don't get involved in acts for the most part. It's straight from club to the acts and their reps, usually

Are You familiar with Greystone Manor in Los Angeles? Whats the best thing to say or way to get in after fighting through the huge crowd and getting a promoter or a bouncers attention?

Asked by roro over 10 years ago

I live walking distance from it. It's not good anymore so "hey I'm not fat" should be enough.

If not, the standard rules apply. Bring girls, be nice, look good, know a promoter, show up early, and if all else fails, be ready to grease the bouncer. 

How do u become friends with bouncers/managers? At this really exclusive club, my friends have become buddies with them and get greeted. I go often but not as much, and they still ID me out of the whole group, its embarrassing. How can I change this?

Asked by GIRL almost 10 years ago

You have to meet those guys outside of the club. In LA, a lot of them train MMA so joining an MMA or Jiu-jitsu gym is a good way.

If I have enough money could I invest in or become a partial owner if a nightclub? Would that create opportunities for some temporary female companionship?

Asked by Doc over 10 years ago

The entire business is run on this principle. Take money from some rich, older "investors" who made their money in something boring (finance, real estate, oil and gas, insurance, etc) and sell them on being cool by owning a nightclub. And yes, it can get you laid. 

The film business works mostly the same way.

I am in need of ASIAN Girl Promoters in FLORIDA. Where would i go to search for these type of girls ? If you have any answers that would be great. Thank you $15/hr and bonus's

Asked by I need a Promoter over 9 years ago

Asian Girl Promoters from Florida sound like a really specific voting demographic.

You'd find them clubbing. You'll start seeing the same girls again and again. Go talk to them.

Also, move out of Florida.

Whats a good way to advertise for free bottle service? Posting online will not only attract people you don't want, but the clubs don't appreciate you advertising in that manner. Any ideas?

Asked by social12 almost 10 years ago

You're having trouble giving away $2000? Maybe promoting isn't for you.

(Cntd) dont want them, but they spend alot of their time trying to crawl up the model arses. Desperatly wanting them as 'Girlfriends' but most model dont want them they want a z-list celeb to date so the promoters are stuck banging uglies. True?

Asked by MeAgain almost 11 years ago

Let's not debate what makes  a "model" which really could be anything, I've met some beat models. But yes, the most attractive/quality girls don't want a promoter boyfriend. They'll bang em once but if a chick is hot she wants to do better than a scumbag promoter. 

I am a DJ. I've played quite a few clubs in Houston and i moved to LA last year and have DJed here a few places too including Avalon. I'm trying to book more shows. Can you give me some advice on how i should go about doing that?
Thank you.

Asked by tj about 10 years ago

Meet as many club GM's as you can. Have a demo for them. Network a lot.

Avalon is still open? Wow

Can you give me a little more info about how women go to clubs to play social status game? Greatly appreciated.

Asked by Shift over 9 years ago

Subscribe to the Bravo network. Watch 5 minutes. You'll get it.

Trying to message a promoter about getting in somewhere. How would I go about it? Do I just ask right off the back, or attempt small talk?

Asked by Eddy about 10 years ago

Ask right off the bat. Or off the back, if you're a chick I guess.

Hey so basically my agency is sending my to LA for the next 3 months, i'm 19 and was wondering how easy it is for models to get in to over 21 clubs? In London if you look the part they don't bother checking ID, and to be honest I don't want (Cntnd)

Asked by Ellis about 10 years ago

".....have to go that long without having a drink or much actual fun, (under 21 clubs most likely suck) What would you reccomend? Are any certain clubs easier going with regards to under 21's being let in or sold alcohol? I'll be with other London models. The drinking age in London is 18 but they i've been going out since I was 16 as I knew the promoters and nobody really minded.. Thanks for the help!"

It depends on the club. You'll probably find LA stricter than London in this respect. Your best bet is to find a promoter you can get you in. If you're a bunch of models with British accents, this should take about 5 minutes.

How do you become a promoter ?

Asked by Asia almost 10 years ago

See previous answer to same question

Hi, I live in Weho, & I wanna ask about a problem a few close friends of mine encountered, (including myself at times)'s about the whole hispanic being hispanic thing..I know most hispanics in LA, who look stereotypical, party in Pasadena, or do

Asked by Rene Estrada over 10 years ago

Question cont'd "

"Or downtown, Can there be accommodations since hispanic is not a race, so there's a lot good looking white- male hispanics, who like go to a club alone, cuz friends can't make it, or white hispanics are rarity, can clubs make an exception, or accomaccommodation to this problem, since many white-hispanics are the classy ones, not the ghetto ones.?"


This question makes my head hurt. Bottom line is the bouncer decides in half a second whether or not to let you in. 

My husband was offered a job being a club promoter. Good or bad for marriage?

Asked by thea over 10 years ago

Hard to say as an outsider to your marriage and every marriage is different. How do you feel about alcoholism and HPV?

What capacity where the clubs you worked for?

Asked by Dj Cabrera over 10 years ago

The biggest club I worked on had a capacity of about 1500 people and a unlimited capacity to annoy me. I am totally cool with going up to girls but then Its like what do I say to you without making you think I'm 1. A scam artist...or 2. Im a pervert / rapist. Usually I say "hey do you go clubbing"? What line could you recommend to me to use.

Asked by Deegee over 10 years ago

I assume you are asking as someone that wants to promote and not just try to hook up with these girls.

Asking if they go clubbing is good. If they do, don't just try to get their number and leave. You're building relationships, not just phone numbers. Get to know and start hanging out with them. 

Then you can be a scam artist or pervert.

If a girl is really hot with a stunning body but biracial(black/white) while any clubs let her in

Asked by Callie almost 10 years ago

Ha! I love this question. If she's a woman, some club will let her in. But you're asking whether a good club will let her in. The short answer is yes but it depends on who else is with her. You are judged by the company you keep.

hi, well i ve a task to know about promoter .. like what is ur work? how much are you paid? for which agency do you work for? how doyou promote ? any pics if available ? can you help me in this ? where can i meet promoters?

Asked by geet almost 9 years ago

You've got the texting style of an underage, Adderall-addicted club girl so the promoters will probably find you soon enough

What's the difference between a promoter and a VIP host? A lot of VIP hosts have guest lists also, as a female who is better to go with, a promoters guest list or a VIP hosts guest list? Thanks

Asked by Vanessa about 9 years ago

A VIP host is just a really delusional promoter.

Also whats the biggest tip you can give me to pick up clients / secret locations in
LA. I dont want Saudi's either

Asked by NotAUrbanPromoter almost 10 years ago

"Saudi's" as you call them are the bulk of the bottle clients in LA. Most promoters start out saying they don't want to associate with them but the money always changes their minds.

Not sure what you mean by secret locations. Secrets are hard to keep in this town.

how old do you have to be if you want to be a club promoter ?

Asked by A.A almost 10 years ago

18 or 21, depending on where you live. Whatever you do, don't be over 30.

If your girlfriend is a go go dancer and works at a bar, but apparently can't bring their boyfriends. Why is that?

Asked by brandon almost 10 years ago

Your girlfriend is lying to you

Where is the best place to find sub promoters for your parties?

Asked by Lavel over 9 years ago

In da club. Look for the best looking dude you can find.

What is the ideal temperature to keep my club at? Where should the thermostat be set? Especially in the winter

Asked by BlueHair about 10 years ago

We're really getting into the nitty gritty questions now.

Err on the warm side. Hot and sweaty is associated with sexiness. And in the winter it'll be especially welcome.

Can you please give me detailed information on running HOT female Model house /apartment as a promoter. How to go about it as detailed as possible . Thank you.

Asked by NotAUrbanPromoter almost 10 years ago

If you have the place, this won't be difficult. Hot club girls are always broke so offering them free or almost free rent is pretty appealing for them. If you aren't in financial position to offer that, find a rich dude who is and become his bummy roommate in exchange for access. There are lot of these guys in LA....

Where can I find modems that don't over price?

Asked by Lavel over 9 years ago


I was wondering when you are paid per head how does the club identify the amount of people you bring in like do you need a list, do they say your name at the door, how does that work?

Asked by lemar over 9 years ago

Yep, that's what the clipboard is for

Are you still a promoter?

Asked by Rahim almost 10 years ago

Thankfully no. Had to retire due to carpal tunnel syndrome from pouring bottles down women's throats.

If you're a promoter over 30, you've really screwed up somewhere.

Where does all the money being made go to? I'm interested in starting my own promotion team and want to know how would it be distrubuted

Asked by Dom over 9 years ago

Mostly towards the money launderers running the clubs. But among promoters, it's all a negotiation.

I'm looking to expand my search for bringing in a large amount of girls to high class clubs in Chicago. I've been going to colleges, fashion schools, inviting strippers on their days off, and of course social media. Do you have any other ideas?

Asked by Chicago99 almost 10 years ago

Sounds like your bases are covered. Instagram in particular is great for cultivating a personal brand and reaching out to chicks.

Can a woman be a club promoter?

Asked by HulkB over 9 years ago

Technically, yes. Technically I could hook up with the girl in my office that cuts herself. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.

im a gay guy with 10+ hot girl friends, can I use their promoter to get in the club with them?

Asked by jake61 over 7 years ago


What would the best way for me to go about looking for a club gig. I've been co-djing a weekly radio show for about two years and have played a few other small events in the past few years.

Asked by Michael almost 9 years ago


I want a specific nightclub in Las Vegas, do I google for a promoter? 1-2guys and 3-4hotgirls. How far to contact them up to get on 'the list'? When do they tell me if we're on? Is it bad to ask a few and go with the one that gives us the best deal?

Asked by Lalita about 8 years ago


I live in NYC and love going to the club with my wife. We love bottle service but dont need an entire table and bottle for ourselves. I want to join the good tables in good locations and will contribute a bottle towards the minimum. Ideas?

Asked by Martin over 6 years ago


How do event companies control how much was sold during an event in the club?

Asked by Ale over 7 years ago


What's up bro I'm a club promoter in LA&Hollywood And recently got offered a partner position I work Thursday-Saturday but I recently hit a Bump in the Road and am having trouble being in People to the club do you have any advice?

Asked by Nick Santoro over 8 years ago


Are there companies that you can hire club promoters from like agencies or are they mostly freelance? How can I hire one?

Asked by Creatiff2003 over 8 years ago


How to reach out to a promoter via email to have an artist perform

Asked by Kitti almost 8 years ago


Yes I'm a Promoter out of Indiana moving to Vegas in a month what's the steps in becoming a promoter & the difference between a independent promoter and a promoter

Asked by Mista vegas over 8 years ago


How do you deal with entitled drunk women or men for that matter or anyone

Asked by Carrie over 4 years ago


Before my or asked me to go out 3,now they want me to go out 4 times it is because I suck or they just want me to go out and stay cause I don't suck?i don't understand ,I am with models but I am I am 1.71 this issue is stressing me out

Asked by Girl from pr group over 8 years ago


Im a DJ in NYC Brooklyn. Im 34 yr old. Produced EDM for 8 years. DJed 8 months. I have been highly ranked as a local producer in 2015. In 2016 i gained 650 LOCAL followers on meetup by throwing rave parties. I want a residency in a lounge. Help.

Asked by DJ Transaction over 8 years ago


Hi ! I would like to work as promoter in Mykonos... could I have some information please ?
Best regards

Asked by Danny Baffioni over 8 years ago


I want to become a promotor and I'm a girl,so I want to know: whom first I should talk,club owner?
2.for the first I need money or the club owner give me money? it a very good job or hard job,or can I do it just in weekend?

Asked by Lana over 8 years ago


How likely is it for a girl to become a promoter?

Asked by smhunter95 over 8 years ago


On Average how many promoters does each club have working a night

Asked by David about 8 years ago


If you are looking to be a club promoter in New York City or Atlantic City please contact us at

Asked by Vegas over 8 years ago


would you ever turn a girl down to enter a club because she is too fat?

Asked by jessie over 8 years ago


I'd like to find a promoter to get clients to my European Slimming Salon. Where can I find someone to get the job done?

Asked by Deborah over 8 years ago


how much do bottle girls get paid

Asked by nikki about 8 years ago


I just recently moved to LA and am trying to get into the hot nightclubs to be a VIP bottle service girl. I have previous experience. I do not know anyone here any suggestions on how to go about this?

Asked by Dreamer over 8 years ago


How can I ask a promoter for a bottle girl job

Asked by Niah over 5 years ago


How to ask a promoter to become a bottle girl. Any tips

Asked by Niah954 over 5 years ago